Monday, August 28, 2006

New geotagging on Flickr

I first used Geoblogger to geotag my photos and it closed when the author got hired by Yahoo. I then found the excellent Flagr. The developpers of the site are great and open to new ideas. The website is getting better all the time. Now, Flickr offers geotagging as well (probably with the help of the geoblogger guy). It's a shame that the satellite photos are still in low resolution for Quebec City... I'll hang around Flagr again for a little while. I can now see the possibility to digitalize the whole planet as a probable thing. Microsoft is working on Photosynth, a software that let's you build 3d objects in real time with the combination of many photos. Google will eventualy jump on the wagon and combine it's power with Photosynth and Flickr. We will then be able to navigate digitally around every little square centimeter Earth has to offer. Imagine a Google Earth that zooms-in from space and let's you see the dime on your basement's coffee table.
If you use Firefox and Greasemonkey, I highly recommend using GMiF . With that combination, you can use Googlemaps instead of Yahoo ! maps.

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