Friday, December 29, 2006

Electric Gypsyland

An interesting album, Electric Gypsyland ; The music of Taraf de Haïdouks, Koçani Orkestar, Mahala Rai Banda and Ursari de Clejani remixed by Shantel, Señor Coconut, DJ Dolores and others. Released on Six Degrees Records

Here's a video of the song Are You Gypsified? (Olaf Hund vs Ursari de Clejani, Taraf de Haïdouks, Koçani Orkestar) on YouTube.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vieux Farka Touré guitar solo

Here's 4 guitar solos by the son of Ali Farka Touré, Vieux Farka Touré. Recorded in his backyard in Bamako, Mali.
Courtesy of Modiba Productions. Filmed and produced by Andrea Wozny in Bamako

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006

FIMAV Festival Radio on

It took a while, but on Last.FM I've tagged most of the artist that attended the FIMAV Festival since 1983 (489 entries so far). You can see the complete list here.

Enjoy !

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Here's an other omnipotent being (better than professeur Demaro) that offers many useful services. Use at your own risk...

Here's first the french version followed by a Google translation:


Le Docteur Yao Kouadio Albert astrologue, chercheur, aromathérapeute, ophtalmologue, génécologue, andrologue international, secfétaire général des tradi-praticiens de Côte d'Ivoire sis au depot 9 a Abobo près du maquis le village.
Soigne et guérrit: Les séro-positifs - Le Zona - la tuberculose pulmonaire - l'érection molle - impuissance sexuelle - faiblesse sexuelle - éjaculation précoce - cancer du sein et de l'utérus.
Traite: La catacte en 5 minutes.
Réparateur: des coeurs brisés (couple divorcé), produits qui efface les vergetures et les cicatrices , augmentation ou diminution du pénis (ou sexe chez les hommes), sorciers, paralysie des membres et la méningite, la préparation aux examens et concours, la prépation spirituelle d'un terrain en construction, et fait des opérations chirurgicales de fybrome, de myome, ou de Kyste par télé phone, redresse tous les sexes tordus.
Cabinet du Docteur Yao sis à Abobo Dépot 9 de la sotra près du maquis le village.
Heure de réception: 7H à 18H30 même les jours fériés


Doctor Yao Kouadio Albert astrologer, researcher, aromathérapeute, ophtalmologist, genecologist, international andrologist, secfétaire general of the tradi-experts of Ivory Coast located to deposit 9 has Abobo close to the maquis the village.
Look after and guérrit: Hiv-positive individuals - the Shingles - pulmonary tuberculosis - soft erection - sexual impotence - sexual weakness - premature ejaculation - uterus and breast cancer.
Draft: The catacte in 5 minutes.
Repairer: broken hearts (divorced couple), produced which erases the stretch marks and the scars, increase or reduction in the penis (or sex at the men), wizard, paralysis of the members and meningitis, the preparation with the examinations and contest, the spiritual prepation of a ground in construction, and made surgical operations of fybrome, of myome, or Cyst by TV phon, righting all twisted sexes.
Cabinet of Doctor Yao located in Abobo Dépot 9 of will sotra close to the maquis the village.

Hour of reception: 7H with 18H30 even public holidays


Here's a blog specialized in those flyers:

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Howe Gelb Sno' Angel + Jim Bryson @ La Sala Rossa

Photo: Christian Morin

The night could have been tragic. Just before leaving Quebec City, we where witness to a car accident. A car in front of us crashed hard on the side of an other car, fortunately no one was hurt. It could have been us...

I went in Montreal to see a great show at the La Sala Rossa (what a nice venue). I knew nothing of Howe Gelb, and I was completely blown away. He reminded me of Tom Waits sometimes. I was sitting front row and at one point I had to hold Howe Gelb's guitar while he was playing on the piano downstage next to me. The stage was crowded, there was a wonderful and energic gospel choir with the band (Voices of Praise, from Ottawa). The first part of the show was very nice too, it was Jim Bryson and his band (he was also playing guitar for Howe Gelb).

The trip back to Quebec City was eerie, a lot of fog was floating around the deserted highway 20.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

iPod Battle volume 2

The teams:

FTS: Nicolas Jobin - Consort Contemporain de Québec + Bigg Lou - CEA + Art n’bois

CHYZ: André Martineau + MC Gilles

Total Crap (Air Guitar Heroes): Simon Lacroix + …

Energie: François Gariépy + André Lantin

Sacrilège: The Drag and the Queen

Itinérance: Slipmat +…

Les Borats: Matthieu Dugal + Bastien Gagnon-Lafrance

Turbo Bambi: Claudia Simon + …

and the referee: Patrick Guérard

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


"Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them"  - Robert Jarvik

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Feliz Navidad by Patrujo

feliz navidad, originally uploaded by patrujo.

Patrujo (J Rakieski) from Pittsburgh is one of my favorite photographer on Flickr. He creates very weird and intriguing moments. Here's a slideshow of his work Enjoy !

Je ne suis pas seule - Théatre Rude Ingénierie

Source: Maria Pavlidis

Monday, December 04, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photo: Elisa Baron
For their third collaboration with the Musée de la Civilisation de Québec, Sonia Montminy and Arielle Warnke St-Pierre are presenting the show Duocratie, inspired by the exhibition Vox Populi. The theme of this exhibition, Democracy in all it's angles, as captured and inspired those two contemporary dancers that are very active in Quebec City's dance community. They are proposing a personal vision of the social and political process that democracy is. The piece goes for 20 minutes and the soundtrack is by Christian Michaud. When: Sunday, December 3rd,10th and 17th 2006 at 12:00 and 14:00 Where: Musée de la Civilisation de Québec, 85 Dalhousie.
It's free !

Saturday, December 02, 2006

First day of winter

On the way to Montreal, first day of winter...


Friday, December 01, 2006

Soirées Quebec 84! Vol. 10

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I'm not a big fan of 80's music, but I'll plug once more the Soirée Québec 84! that will be held December 22nd at Rouje. The teaser poster is cool, but it reminds me why I don't like the 80's...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Soirée Québec 84! Vol. 9

Let's dance on the new-wave, rock, pop, alternative and francophone 80's hits ! Without forgetting the slows ! An other edition of the popular Soirée Québec 84! will be held at Rouje. November 24th at 21h, 4$ With DjZézette and DjLo

Duck and Cover

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mutek Radio on

I've made a Mutek Radio on by tagging most of the artists that attended the festival between 2000 and 2006 (235 entries). To see the complete list:

Monday, November 13, 2006


Hehehe, finally spam has a purpose ! See The Brothers McLeod illustrate the random text found in the filter-busting portion of spam emails...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mononc Simon

Today I learned that I'm going to be an uncle. How weird and exciting ! I can't wait to meet my nephew. I should probably start right now growing a beer belly and learn a few bad jokes if I want to be a good uncle...

P.S: To my nephew that will probably stumble on that post one day, call me if you feel like grabbing a bite or catch a movie.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Professeur Demaro

I've never seen someone so full of himself like that. A friend of mine showed me in the Voir a surreal ad. So much confidence...

*Professeur Demaro*
Voyant médium résout
tous vos problèmes même
cas impossibles. Spécialiste
du retour immédiat et
définitif de l'être aimé, protection, affaires,
impuissance sexuelle, etc.
Résultat efficace en 48h
et définitif (100% garanti)

***Phone #***

Monday, October 30, 2006

Souper des vignerons @ Le Clocher Penché

Mmm... what a delicious evening. I went to the Souper des Vignerons at the Bistro Le Clocher Penché. The concept is that the Clocher Penché invites a wine grower to show and talk about it's products and the chef composes a special menu to match the wines. Tonight it was Chantal Comte from the Costières de Nîmes region that brought us her marvelous wine and rhum. Madame Comte explained to us how her wine was made between each service. She's an amazing women, very interesting and passionate about her art. Here's the menu

Château de la Tuilerie, Vieilles Vignes 2005


Château de la Tuilerie, Vieilles Vignes 2003 et 2004

Château de la Tuilerie, Cuvée Éole 2000

Rhum vieux agricole Arbre du Voyageur 1998


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Shakey Face

matt_B-2, originally uploaded by BrandonVoges.

I've found a very interesting set on Flickr by Brandon Voges . It's basically portraits shot when peoples are shaking their head. Very unusual results !

Here's a slideshow of the the set: Shakey Face

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Soirées Québec 84! Vol. 7
Let's dance on the new-wave, rock, pop, alternative and francophone 80's hits ! Without forgetting the slows ! With DjZézette and DjLo

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Crazy japanese massage prank

I will watch my back a lot if I ever go to japan...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Paper Thin Records

While listening to Last.FM, I discovered a very interesting independent label from Boston. The label is Paper Thin Records and they specialize in instrumental indie, pseudo-outsider, and rock/noise/experimental/8-bit artists. Here's the artists (linking to their Last.FM page so you can listen to their free streams). Avi Paul Weinstein Brian Saia Simon Taylor Lawrence Valby Emily Geanacopoulos The Georgie Porgies Two Sheds The Harriers The Daikon Legs Quartet Reverend D and the Fifteen Teeth
Here's a video made by the two founders (Avi Paul Weinstein and Emily Geanacopoulos). The music is a cover of "I Wanna be Your Dog" by The Stooges.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Dj Zézette invitée au Fightpod

Come in great numbers to cheer Dj Zézette at the next Fightpod. It will be held at the Sacrilege, October 11th. More info about the event:

Friday, October 06, 2006

Festival Antenne-A :: Ipod Battle @ Rouje

Oh their god, what a crazy night ! My ears are completely destroyed. It feels like having broken speakers instead of ears. I still have more than two hours to take a short nap before I go to work... Here's some photos I took:

Monday, October 02, 2006

iPod Battle :: Limoilou Dancefloor Squad

The Limoilou Dancefloor Squad (Jahmorinz, Érick D'orion) sent me their flyer for the iPod Battle that will be held at Rouje October 5th. Come in great numbers to see them kick some serious ass ! More info about the event:

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Festival Antenne-a

While posting about the Tokyo Police Club show (October 6th), I saw the programmation for the Festival Antenne-a. Here's the complete schedule.

Galerie Rouje (228, Saint-Joseph Est) Electro-rock

Thursday October 5th iPod Battle (Voir Québec, Black Taboo, FTS, P45, Dj Lo, Bang Bang, CHYZ, Limoilou Dance Floor Squad) 7$ Friday October 6th Duchess Says (Montréal – rock disjoncté) Numéro (Montréal – électro pop pop pop) 10$ Saturday October 7th Mocky (Germany – électro r&b soul) Heart & Soul (Montréal – hyponotic dance) The World Provider (Montréal - Casio Rock) 12$ (pre-sale 10$ : cd mélomane/chyz)

Pub L’Échouerie (380, rue Dorchester South) Urban Country

Friday October 6th Angela Desveaux (Nova-Scotia – folk country) Flip Top Box Duo (Québec – country) 8$ Saturday October 7th Marie et les Marchands d’armes (membres du groupe Karkwa) (Montréal – country & bluegrass) 8$

---off circuit--- L’Arlequin (1070 Rue St-Jean)

Friday October 6th Beirut / Tokyo Police Club / Lesbo Vrouven 12$

Tokyo Police Club + Lesbo Vrouven + Beirut

I saw Tokyo Police Club at Osheaga and they gave a kick-ass show. They will be playing at L'Arlequin, October 6th with Lesbo Vrouven and Beirut. More info about the show:

Saturday, September 16, 2006

La voix est libre - Encore et encore !

A dear friend of mine is hosting a great radio show about francophone music. The show by Elisa Baron is called La voix est libre and is on air every friday between 10h and 11h30 on CKRL 89,1 in Québec City. 

Click here to hear the online radio if you don't live in Quebec City.

Les Journées de la Culture 2006 - 10th edition

The 10th edition of Les Journées de la Culture will be happening September 29th, 30th and October 1st all across the Quebec province. 1 000 cultural events in 3 days, totally free. Everything must be seen ! More info on the official site: The complete schedule for Quebec City here.

Les Convertibles

Here's some photos I took of the Les Convertibles event: 


L'invisible vue - La numérisation de la mort


By Pascal Boucher
Technical direction: Marc Doucet
Performers: -Luke Dawson, Hélène Messier, Julie Pichette et Mario Veillette 

Monday, September 11, 2006

Difficult choice: Holy Fuck or Duchess Says + Les Georges Leningrad UPDATED

It's not fair ! On September 20th, there's two excellent shows I want to see. It's impossible for me to choose which one to attend... Duchess Says and Les Georges Leningrad at Rouje (More info) or Holy Fuck at the Grand Salon (More info)


Good news (!?!), the show is cancelled. I can now go see Holy Fuck knowing I don't miss a good show. According to Rouje, the show was cancelled a month ago by the producer. Newspapers made a mistake and published anyway. I did'nt check before posting... sorry about that.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Holy Fuck at Osheaga festival

I've just returned from the Osheaga festival in Montreal, my ears are buzzing like crazy (tinnitus) . I saw Holy Fuck and it made my day. What a great show ! Too bad it was so short.

Holy Fuck will be at the Grand Salon (Pavillons Desjardins-Pollack, Université Laval) September 20th. It's for the launch of the new season of CHYZ 94,3

Here's a video of them live at the Dot-Dot festival in Nothingham.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Taxidermia - Soundtrack by Amon Tobin

I can't wait to see Taxidermia by György Pálfi. The soundtrack is by Amon Tobin.

Here's a link to the official site:

Monday, August 28, 2006

New geotagging on Flickr

I first used Geoblogger to geotag my photos and it closed when the author got hired by Yahoo. I then found the excellent Flagr. The developpers of the site are great and open to new ideas. The website is getting better all the time. Now, Flickr offers geotagging as well (probably with the help of the geoblogger guy). It's a shame that the satellite photos are still in low resolution for Quebec City... I'll hang around Flagr again for a little while. I can now see the possibility to digitalize the whole planet as a probable thing. Microsoft is working on Photosynth, a software that let's you build 3d objects in real time with the combination of many photos. Google will eventualy jump on the wagon and combine it's power with Photosynth and Flickr. We will then be able to navigate digitally around every little square centimeter Earth has to offer. Imagine a Google Earth that zooms-in from space and let's you see the dime on your basement's coffee table.
If you use Firefox and Greasemonkey, I highly recommend using GMiF . With that combination, you can use Googlemaps instead of Yahoo ! maps.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I'm a sucker for animation in all it's forms and I found a beautiful 3D cartoon for kids. It's called Pocoyo . The characters are simple and gorgeous, it's feels like clay but it's CGI. The animation is spot-on and very dynamic. The music soundtrack is really good (cartoonnish electronica). The narrator is Stephen Fry (the voice of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Here's an episode from YouTube:


Friday, August 25, 2006

Photos Osez! 2006

I was in St-Jean-Port-Joli for the Osez! 2006 event. Here's a selection of my photos. Click on the photo below to see the slideshow.


An original idea by Karine Ledoyen
Choreographer: Ginette Laurin 

Monday, August 14, 2006

Don't mess with my flight plans by David Olive

I've found a very interesting article on the Toronto Star's website by David Olive. It's about last week thwarted terrorist plot to blow-up multiple planes. He summarize very well my thoughts on mass-medias shoving fear down our throats, and the governments using that fear to diminish our rights. Life is dangerous, deal with it ! You can find the article here.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Festival des barres à Jack

Photo credit: Unknown
A cultural event will be held next weekend (August 11th-12th-13th) in St-Raphaël de Bellechasse. It's the festival des barres à Jack. A weekend filled with demolition derbys (even with combines, wow !) , burn outs and the always popular Soap Box derby. On Sunday, don't miss the exhibition untitled "Viens montrer ton char !". The famous McDonald's mascots will even be present during the weekend. For more info:

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

CD wrapping

What's the deal with the wrapping for the CDs ? Is it sealed like that for more freshness ? Is it because I'm too anxious to listen the album ?

We can land robots on Mars with pinpoint accuracy. We live in an era of speed dating and fast food, I can't understand why it's so hard to unwrap a new CD.

Is it because the pirates are using portable CD-burners and they're copying CDs directly in the stores ?

I hope that in a lab somewhere, a team of dedicated Nobel prize winners are on a verge of finding a revolutionnary new way of wrapping CDs...

I consider myself as someone with pretty good dexterity and I get frustrated each time I buy a CD.

Someone, please help me, what's your special trick ?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Duchess Says - Cut up

OSHEAGA Music Festival in Montreal

Oh their god ! I can't believe the line-up for the OSHEAGA festival in Montreal. I already bought the ticket for both days. Saturday, September 2nd: Sonic Youth, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Dinosaur Jr., Metric, K-OS, The Stills, Malajube, Joseph Arthur, The Magic Numbers, World Party, Amon Tobin, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals, James Chance & the Contortions, Bush Tetras, We are Wolves, Duchess Says, Think About Life, Crystal Clyffs, Hushpuppies. Sunday, September 3rd: Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals, The Flaming Lips, Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley,Bedouin Soundclash, Wolf Parade, The Dears, Lady Sovereign, G. Love & Special Sauce,Islands, Starsailor, Kid Koala, Final Fantasy, Bell Orchestre, The Hidden Cameras,Kiss Me Deadly, Call Me Poupee, Herman Düne, Zombie. Here's the website for more info:

Sunday, July 23, 2006

My recent flags on Flagr

The flash player died, here's a copy of my flags thanks to the Wayback Machine:

Thursday, July 06, 2006

America: Freedom to Fascism

Here's a trailer for Aaron Russo's latest movie; America: Freedom to Fascism. If he manage to release his movie on a large scale, it's bound to stir some serious shit. Have a look at his web site for more info and spread the word around.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

5 à 7 Osez! de l'été

You are invited to the fundraiser for the dance event Osez! 2006 that will be held in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, August 16th to 20th at sunset every day at 19:00. Map of the Cooke-Sasseville Atelier:
MyMaps at
If you want to save that event on your Google Calendar, click the button below:

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman is the man

I just watched Superman Returns. He's really the man of steel. The scene where he gets shot in the eye and the bullet crush on the retina is amazing. What a master of disguise, he just wears glasses and nobody can recognise him when he's Clark Kent.I thought I would be disapointed,but I really enjoyed the movie. It's pure candy for the eyes, probably the best superhero movie I've seen.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

BumpTop 3D Desktop Prototype

This is so cool. The minute it's out, I'm buying it.

Monday, June 05, 2006

T-Shirt for sale

Shameless plug...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Boudoir + Versa Opening

Tonight I tried to go to the opening of the Boudoir and Versa terraces on de l'Église street, but it was too damn jam packed. 10 minutes of feeling like a claustrophobic sardine was enought for me...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Faubourg en Fleurs

I went down St-Jean Baptiste street today and it was the Faubourg en Fleurs event. It's a tradition in the neighborhood every year. The street is closed and all the shop have outside displays. The bars put their tables in the middle of the street, you can buy hot dogs and shish taouk sandwiches from some restaurants. Bands are playing along in the street (The Void where playing some Metallica, Iron Maiden and AC/DC). I love where I live !

Flagr + Flickr

Ever since Geoblogger went down, I was looking for something similar. I found Flagr, a site you can use to put flags on a Google map. The brilliant thing is, you can then link those flags with your photos on Flickr. Simply add a Flagr icon in the photo's comments and the visitors can see where you took the photo. More info about all that in the Flagr::Sharewhere! group on Flickr. Here's an exemple of a clickable Flagr icon: see it on a map

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Towel Day for Douglas Adams

Today is Towel Day to honor the memory of the regreted Douglas Adams. Basicaly, you have to carry a towel with you all day to show your support. For more info, please click on the banner.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Homemade Stop-motion movie

While doing some cleaning on my hard drive, I found a video I made some time ago. I used my old Sony Mavica FD91 (that camera used floppy disks !!!) and Adobe Premiere. The soundtrack is by Misstress Barbara.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Extreme bike jump

Here's two compositions I made of a crazy friend jumping with his bike.

Extreme bike Jump 2

Extreme bike Jump

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My 1984 book in Peru

Hahaha ! I've just received an email telling me that the book 1984 by George Orwell I've released in the wild was now in Peru. For those who don't know about BookCrossing, you can compare it to an everchanging virtual worldwide library. You release or catch a book in the wild, then enter a journal about it on the website. After you are done with the book, you release it in the wild again.

You can read the travel log of that book on

Sunday, April 30, 2006

La Linea

I've recently managed to find more info about the La Linea TV cartoon serie by Osvaldo Cavandoli. I loved that show so much when I was a kid. I'd like to buy the DVD, but it's only available on Some episodes are available here.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I don't get the hockey frenzy...

Someone will have to explain it to me, I really don't get it. I was sitting at the bar in the Faste Fou after work, having a beer with a colleague. Both TVs where tuned on perpetual news channels, the big story was about tonight's hockey game at the Bell Center. Is that really news material ? I mean, there's a million of important events each day that change the world as we see it... Do we need to know that much about a sport event ?

A colleague in Montreal this week was having a really bad day because the Canadien lost a game. I'm having a bad day when I learn that a loved-one died. I might have a bad day if I wake up late, to then ride an over-crowded bus on a rainy day. I can't conceive having a bad day just because my favorite team lost a game in the finals.

How can a sport bring so much passion/mass hysteria ?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Soirée Osez! Centre de création O Vertigo April 22nd

A party/fundraiser will be held at the Centre de création O Vertigo at the Place des Arts of Montreal, April 22nd, 21h. The night is for the launch of the 2006 edition of the dance event Osez! in St-Jean-Port-Joli, August 16th to 20th.
Map: MyMaps at