Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Here's an other omnipotent being (better than professeur Demaro) that offers many useful services. Use at your own risk...

Here's first the french version followed by a Google translation:


Le Docteur Yao Kouadio Albert astrologue, chercheur, aromathérapeute, ophtalmologue, génécologue, andrologue international, secfétaire général des tradi-praticiens de Côte d'Ivoire sis au depot 9 a Abobo près du maquis le village.
Soigne et guérrit: Les séro-positifs - Le Zona - la tuberculose pulmonaire - l'érection molle - impuissance sexuelle - faiblesse sexuelle - éjaculation précoce - cancer du sein et de l'utérus.
Traite: La catacte en 5 minutes.
Réparateur: des coeurs brisés (couple divorcé), produits qui efface les vergetures et les cicatrices , augmentation ou diminution du pénis (ou sexe chez les hommes), sorciers, paralysie des membres et la méningite, la préparation aux examens et concours, la prépation spirituelle d'un terrain en construction, et fait des opérations chirurgicales de fybrome, de myome, ou de Kyste par télé phone, redresse tous les sexes tordus.
Cabinet du Docteur Yao sis à Abobo Dépot 9 de la sotra près du maquis le village.
Heure de réception: 7H à 18H30 même les jours fériés


Doctor Yao Kouadio Albert astrologer, researcher, aromathérapeute, ophtalmologist, genecologist, international andrologist, secfétaire general of the tradi-experts of Ivory Coast located to deposit 9 has Abobo close to the maquis the village.
Look after and guérrit: Hiv-positive individuals - the Shingles - pulmonary tuberculosis - soft erection - sexual impotence - sexual weakness - premature ejaculation - uterus and breast cancer.
Draft: The catacte in 5 minutes.
Repairer: broken hearts (divorced couple), produced which erases the stretch marks and the scars, increase or reduction in the penis (or sex at the men), wizard, paralysis of the members and meningitis, the preparation with the examinations and contest, the spiritual prepation of a ground in construction, and made surgical operations of fybrome, of myome, or Cyst by TV phon, righting all twisted sexes.
Cabinet of Doctor Yao located in Abobo Dépot 9 of will sotra close to the maquis the village.

Hour of reception: 7H with 18H30 even public holidays


Here's a blog specialized in those flyers: http://www.marabout.ouvaton.org/dotclear/


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. Please let us know if you get some interesting flyers.

Simon Roy said...

I wonder if it's only an African phenomena. Every country must have omnipotent beings ready to advertise their magic powers :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm fluent in english and french, so here goes the real translation:

Doctor Yao Kouadio Albert: astrologer, researcher, aroma therapist, ophthalmologist, gynaecologist, international andrologist, and general secretary of the tradi-experts of Ivory Coast located at deposit 9 in Abobo close to the village maquis.

Cures and Heals: HIV-positive individuals - the Shingles - pulmonary tuberculosis - soft erection - sexual impotence - sexual weakness - premature ejaculation - uterus and breast cancer.
Treats: eye cataract within five minutes
Repairer of: broken hearts (divorced couple), product which erases stretch marks and scars, increase or reduction of the penis (or sex in men), wizard, paralysis of the members and meningitis, with personal preparation for any type of exam or contest, the spiritual preparation of a ground ready for being built on, does surgical operations of fibrosis, mycosis, or cyst by telephone, straightening out of lope-sided or twisted penises.

Doctor Yao’s cabinet is located in Abobo, Dépot 9 del la sotra, close to the village marquis.

Opening hours: 7 am to 6:30 pm, even on public holidays

Simon Roy said...

I'm fluent in both languages too, I just thought it would be funnier to use the Google Translation.

Thanks for your time !