Friday, December 29, 2006

Electric Gypsyland

An interesting album, Electric Gypsyland ; The music of Taraf de Haïdouks, Koçani Orkestar, Mahala Rai Banda and Ursari de Clejani remixed by Shantel, Señor Coconut, DJ Dolores and others. Released on Six Degrees Records

Here's a video of the song Are You Gypsified? (Olaf Hund vs Ursari de Clejani, Taraf de Haïdouks, Koçani Orkestar) on YouTube.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vieux Farka Touré guitar solo

Here's 4 guitar solos by the son of Ali Farka Touré, Vieux Farka Touré. Recorded in his backyard in Bamako, Mali.
Courtesy of Modiba Productions. Filmed and produced by Andrea Wozny in Bamako

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006

FIMAV Festival Radio on

It took a while, but on Last.FM I've tagged most of the artist that attended the FIMAV Festival since 1983 (489 entries so far). You can see the complete list here.

Enjoy !

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Here's an other omnipotent being (better than professeur Demaro) that offers many useful services. Use at your own risk...

Here's first the french version followed by a Google translation:


Le Docteur Yao Kouadio Albert astrologue, chercheur, aromathérapeute, ophtalmologue, génécologue, andrologue international, secfétaire général des tradi-praticiens de Côte d'Ivoire sis au depot 9 a Abobo près du maquis le village.
Soigne et guérrit: Les séro-positifs - Le Zona - la tuberculose pulmonaire - l'érection molle - impuissance sexuelle - faiblesse sexuelle - éjaculation précoce - cancer du sein et de l'utérus.
Traite: La catacte en 5 minutes.
Réparateur: des coeurs brisés (couple divorcé), produits qui efface les vergetures et les cicatrices , augmentation ou diminution du pénis (ou sexe chez les hommes), sorciers, paralysie des membres et la méningite, la préparation aux examens et concours, la prépation spirituelle d'un terrain en construction, et fait des opérations chirurgicales de fybrome, de myome, ou de Kyste par télé phone, redresse tous les sexes tordus.
Cabinet du Docteur Yao sis à Abobo Dépot 9 de la sotra près du maquis le village.
Heure de réception: 7H à 18H30 même les jours fériés


Doctor Yao Kouadio Albert astrologer, researcher, aromathérapeute, ophtalmologist, genecologist, international andrologist, secfétaire general of the tradi-experts of Ivory Coast located to deposit 9 has Abobo close to the maquis the village.
Look after and guérrit: Hiv-positive individuals - the Shingles - pulmonary tuberculosis - soft erection - sexual impotence - sexual weakness - premature ejaculation - uterus and breast cancer.
Draft: The catacte in 5 minutes.
Repairer: broken hearts (divorced couple), produced which erases the stretch marks and the scars, increase or reduction in the penis (or sex at the men), wizard, paralysis of the members and meningitis, the preparation with the examinations and contest, the spiritual prepation of a ground in construction, and made surgical operations of fybrome, of myome, or Cyst by TV phon, righting all twisted sexes.
Cabinet of Doctor Yao located in Abobo Dépot 9 of will sotra close to the maquis the village.

Hour of reception: 7H with 18H30 even public holidays


Here's a blog specialized in those flyers:

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Howe Gelb Sno' Angel + Jim Bryson @ La Sala Rossa

Photo: Christian Morin

The night could have been tragic. Just before leaving Quebec City, we where witness to a car accident. A car in front of us crashed hard on the side of an other car, fortunately no one was hurt. It could have been us...

I went in Montreal to see a great show at the La Sala Rossa (what a nice venue). I knew nothing of Howe Gelb, and I was completely blown away. He reminded me of Tom Waits sometimes. I was sitting front row and at one point I had to hold Howe Gelb's guitar while he was playing on the piano downstage next to me. The stage was crowded, there was a wonderful and energic gospel choir with the band (Voices of Praise, from Ottawa). The first part of the show was very nice too, it was Jim Bryson and his band (he was also playing guitar for Howe Gelb).

The trip back to Quebec City was eerie, a lot of fog was floating around the deserted highway 20.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

iPod Battle volume 2

The teams:

FTS: Nicolas Jobin - Consort Contemporain de Québec + Bigg Lou - CEA + Art n’bois

CHYZ: André Martineau + MC Gilles

Total Crap (Air Guitar Heroes): Simon Lacroix + …

Energie: François Gariépy + André Lantin

Sacrilège: The Drag and the Queen

Itinérance: Slipmat +…

Les Borats: Matthieu Dugal + Bastien Gagnon-Lafrance

Turbo Bambi: Claudia Simon + …

and the referee: Patrick Guérard

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


"Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them"  - Robert Jarvik

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Feliz Navidad by Patrujo

feliz navidad, originally uploaded by patrujo.

Patrujo (J Rakieski) from Pittsburgh is one of my favorite photographer on Flickr. He creates very weird and intriguing moments. Here's a slideshow of his work Enjoy !

Je ne suis pas seule - Théatre Rude Ingénierie

Source: Maria Pavlidis

Monday, December 04, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photo: Elisa Baron
For their third collaboration with the Musée de la Civilisation de Québec, Sonia Montminy and Arielle Warnke St-Pierre are presenting the show Duocratie, inspired by the exhibition Vox Populi. The theme of this exhibition, Democracy in all it's angles, as captured and inspired those two contemporary dancers that are very active in Quebec City's dance community. They are proposing a personal vision of the social and political process that democracy is. The piece goes for 20 minutes and the soundtrack is by Christian Michaud. When: Sunday, December 3rd,10th and 17th 2006 at 12:00 and 14:00 Where: Musée de la Civilisation de Québec, 85 Dalhousie.
It's free !

Saturday, December 02, 2006

First day of winter

On the way to Montreal, first day of winter...


Friday, December 01, 2006

Soirées Quebec 84! Vol. 10

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I'm not a big fan of 80's music, but I'll plug once more the Soirée Québec 84! that will be held December 22nd at Rouje. The teaser poster is cool, but it reminds me why I don't like the 80's...