Here's a video of the song Are You Gypsified? (Olaf Hund vs Ursari de Clejani, Taraf de Haïdouks, Koçani Orkestar) on YouTube.
Photo: Christian Morin
The night could have been tragic. Just before leaving Quebec City, we where witness to a car accident. A car in front of us crashed hard on the side of an other car, fortunately no one was hurt. It could have been us...
I went in Montreal to see a great show at the La Sala Rossa (what a nice venue). I knew nothing of Howe Gelb, and I was completely blown away. He reminded me of Tom Waits sometimes. I was sitting front row and at one point I had to hold Howe Gelb's guitar while he was playing on the piano downstage next to me. The stage was crowded, there was a wonderful and energic gospel choir with the band (Voices of Praise, from Ottawa). The first part of the show was very nice too, it was Jim Bryson and his band (he was also playing guitar for Howe Gelb).
The trip back to Quebec City was eerie, a lot of fog was floating around the deserted highway 20.
The teams:
FTS: Nicolas Jobin - Consort Contemporain de Québec + Bigg Lou - CEA + Art n’bois
CHYZ: André Martineau + MC Gilles
Total Crap (Air Guitar Heroes): Simon Lacroix + …
Energie: François Gariépy + André Lantin
Sacrilège: The Drag and the Queen
Itinérance: Slipmat +…
Les Borats: Matthieu Dugal + Bastien Gagnon-Lafrance
Turbo Bambi: Claudia Simon + …
and the referee: Patrick Guérard
Patrujo (J Rakieski) from Pittsburgh is one of my favorite photographer on Flickr. He creates very weird and intriguing moments. Here's a slideshow of his work http://www.flickr.com/photos/patrujo/show/ Enjoy !
I've found a very interesting set on Flickr by Brandon Voges . It's basically portraits shot when peoples are shaking their head. Very unusual results !
Here's a slideshow of the the set: Shakey Face
Thursday October 5th iPod Battle (Voir Québec, Black Taboo, FTS, P45, Dj Lo, Bang Bang, CHYZ, Limoilou Dance Floor Squad) 7$ Friday October 6th Duchess Says (Montréal – rock disjoncté) Numéro (Montréal – électro pop pop pop) 10$ Saturday October 7th Mocky (Germany – électro r&b soul) Heart & Soul (Montréal – hyponotic dance) The World Provider (Montréal - Casio Rock) 12$ (pre-sale 10$ : cd mélomane/chyz)
Pub L’Échouerie (380, rue Dorchester South) Urban Country
Friday October 6th Angela Desveaux (Nova-Scotia – folk country) Flip Top Box Duo (Québec – country) 8$ Saturday October 7th Marie et les Marchands d’armes (membres du groupe Karkwa) (Montréal – country & bluegrass) 8$
---off circuit--- L’Arlequin (1070 Rue St-Jean)
Friday October 6th Beirut / Tokyo Police Club / Lesbo Vrouven 12$